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Survivor S40: e7 & 8 Recap

We’re back! Last week was a little hectic, but at least half of us are sad to see the two Queens of Survivor, Parvati and Sandra, head off to the Edge. As we see at the top of this episode, Sandra decides that 20 minutes on the Edge is more than enough for her, making her the first (and, I suspect, last) person to raise the White Flag this season and head off to three weeks of vacation time spent in a real bed with actual food. Honestly, who can blame her? Sandra has nothing else to prove, and she already has $2 million in the bank thanks to Survivor. The Queen stays Queen, and she gets to live it up in a Queen-sized bed for the rest of the season. 

On another note, after this week, Todd is down to just Michele on his fantasy team (so long, Yul and Parvati!), and Mary continues her reign at the top. And now, on to the recap!


Todd: Look, as I have said before, I am not fan of the Edge. But this week’s Edge scenes had a little bit of everything: Sandra leaving, Ethan being “comforted” by Parvati (Parvati, yoga cannot fix everything!), Tyson thinking himself really smart for getting a Fire token, and Rob being actually smart and getting THREE Fire tokens! The editors have truly been wild the last couple of seasons, using different editing techniques like flashbacks and montage to elicit surprise and straight-up guffaws from the audience, and the tale of Rob’s three Fire tokens is no different. Watching Rob slyly pick up three of those bad boys and laugh about it all the way to the bank was great. As always, I wish we had had more time to see him talk to Amber about it (Indeed, I wish we could have seen their reunion on the show, but apparently the producers thought that was not needed, despite that being a major plot point for both of them.), or just to get more time with the LEGENDS that are all on the Edge, but I will take what I can get.

In a similar way, I am starting to feel like Ethan is getting a Chris Underwood-ian edit here on the Edge. His conversation with Parvati about how he has faced worse things than the Edge and his continued admonishments to himself that he can do this remind me a lot of Chris talking about how he wanted to play the “perfect” game and how all of that led up to him eventually getting back into the game. My guess is that with the merge next week we will see someone come back into the game. My money is on either Boston Rob or Natalie (or maaaaaaaaaaybe Tyson), but don’t be surprised if, come day 33, Ethan finds a way to get back into the game and tries to orchestrate another Come-from-the-Edge victory.


Mary: I would be remiss if I didn’t note that last week’s episode saw AN ICONIC move from Denise. After Sandra offered Denise the use of an immunity idol in exchange for two fire tokens, Denise negotiated to pay half before the tribal and half after. Then, expertly, Denise used the immunity idol to vote Sandra out. Sandra got sent to the Edge, and then immediately opts to leave, noting that she’s not going to be able to get back in the game through a physical challenge. While I’m sad to see Sandra go, I also agree that there’s no way she would succeed in a challenge, especially after feeling weak from hunger on the Edge. 

Also, not a moment, per se, but I’m FASCINATED by the dynamic between Wendell and Michelle, even now. I’m not going to go into detail, I guess, but they’ve fought A LOT, while still emphasizing the “relationship” they had. This week, Wendell really proved he sucks by plotting to vote out Yul, who was honestly just trying to keep his group together. Yul is what I like to call a “sweetie.” He seems like a genuinely nice guy I’d like to chat with, and he treats his fellow tribemates with kindness, even if they’re not essential to his game. There’s no reason to treat people like crap on what is essentially a game show, and Yul went to the Edge on my sweetie list. 


Mary: Though she didn’t get much screen time this week, I still think Denise’s move to get Sandra out is a sign that she’s got more strategy in her than people think. I’m very eager to see what Denise does next, and if her move makes her be perceived as a big threat. 

Todd: Agreed! Denise is a Queen in her own right, but I am going to say my player on the rise is...Sophie! She has played an expert game so far, and has an idol to boot. I don’t think she will be on many people’s radar during the merge, but she will still have the ability to manipulate the vote in her favor. If she can hold onto her strong alliance with Sarah and re-kindle an alliance with Nick and Wendell (and add Michele?) she can really dominate the back half of this game.


Mary: Just as Denise is one of my fantasy team players helping me out the most, Ben is about to be a thorn in my side along with Adam, I’m afraid. Where Ben was a little reserved in his winning season, finding idols and operating on his own, he’s trying to play a more social game this time around’s not working for him. Ben is kind of loud, kind of obnoxious when he’s trying to be social. He lets information slip that he shouldn’t. I think that’s going to make him a target very soon. 

Todd: I agree. I think it’s also very likely that Adam is not long for this Survivor world. I will also say that whoever comes back from the Edge will likely have a HUGE target on their back, though they will probably also have an idol. But no matter who it is, they will have to play like the original Edge Returner Rick Devens to even have a shot to make it to the firemaking challenge.

That’s it this week for…





Ya better get ready...